Eurosymposium On Healthy Ageing EHA2020

01.10.2020 @ 17:00 – 22:30

The subject of biomarkers of aging is the key theme of this year’s Eurosymposium On Healthy Ageing which is taking place this Thursday, 1st October (“Longevity Day”).

This event – EHA2020 for short – is part of a series that take place in Brussels every two years. Except that, this time, it’s happening entirely online.

Here’s the schedule for the different talks and panels taking place:

17:00 Didier CoeurnelleIlia StamblerSven Bulterijs Introduction
17:15  Brian Kennedy Biomarkers and interventions
17:30 Irina Conboy Reversing, attenuating and preventing diseases of aging, as a class
17:45  Greg Fahy Restoring Immune Function and Reversing Epigenetic Aging in Humans
18:00 Short break

18:15 Josh Mitteldorf Theoretical Foundation for Biomarkers of Aging
18:30 Ilia Stambler Developing diagnostic evaluation criteria for aging and aging-related multimorbidity
18:45 Nir Barzilai Longevity genes
19:00 Short break

19:10 Aubrey de Grey The Importance of Physical Biomarkers for Aging
19:25 Anton Kulaga Federated learning on human data for biological age prediction
19:40 Alex Zhavoronkov Deep biomarkers of aging and longevity
19:55 Polina Mamoshina Explainable Deep aging clocks as models for hypothesis generation in aging research
20:10 Sven Bulterijs Biomarkers of aging
20:25 Aleksey Moskalev Biomarkers of human aging
20:40 Joao Pedro Magalhaes Molecular Signatures to Decipher Ageing
20:55 Short break

21:05 Didier Coeurnelle How to favour clinical tests on longevity
21:20 David Wood Enabling a surge of public interest in biomarkers of aging
21:35 Keith Comito Biomarkers: Data Standardization and the Key to Unlock The Longevity Dividend
21:50 Isabelle SchifferGeorge PerryJosé CordeiroRanjan Ahuja In discussion
22:20 Short break

22:30 General discussion: Declaration on biomarkers and clinical tests

There’s no charge to register or attend, but you need to register in advance, by clicking here.